NEW: Manage Your Membership Online!

Our new online membership database is live! Now you can sign up for a new membership, renew your annual membership, or update your membership profile and newsletter delivery preferences online.

All current FTHS members have already had profiles created for them. Your username is the email address you gave when you signed up for your membership, whether that was using our previous online form, in person at one of our events, or joining by mail. To log in, enter that email address and use the “forgot password” option to set a new password for your account. Log in to your account here.

If you are a current member but did not provide us with an email address when you joined, please contact us and we will manually update your account.

Remember, membership comes with perks, including a 10% discount on the purchase of any of our publications! If you have not yet received your member discount code, please contact us.

We know there may be a few hiccups along the way as we transition to this new system, so please let us know if you encounter any technical problems. Thanks for your patience!